Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pink Scooter Wheels Metal Core

Less thy womb, Miguel Hernandez ...

least your belly, clear and deep ...


your belly
everything is confusing.

your belly
future everything is fleeting, last
barren and muddy.

your belly
everything is hidden under your belly
all insecure,
all last,
dust free world.

your belly
all dark, except your belly
clear and deep.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dementia Ccan Tooth Extraction Cause Dementia


but I promise pictures as I wanted to present my new 50's style dress. Point, with elbow sleeves, skirt, cape, belt and two roses on the neck.
do you think? As
always do in all sizes on request.
Hope you like!
Happy weekend

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wholesale Double Fingered Rings

The crime was in Granada - Lorca, Antonio Machado

- Crime -

He was seen walking between the rifles,
down a long street,
take the field cold
stars still am.
killed Federico
when the light appeared.
The squad of executioners
dared not look at his face.
All eyes closed;
prayed, and God save you! Dead
fell Federico
-blood on his forehead and lead in the womb-
... That crime was in Granada
know - poor Granada! - In his Granada.

- The poet and death -

He was seen walking alone with her,
unafraid of her scythe.
The sun
-tower and tower, hammers
in anvil anvil anvil and forges.
Federico was speaking
flirting with death. She listened.
"Because yesterday in my verse, friend,
sounded the clap of your dry palms,
and gave ice to my song, and the edge
my tragedy in your silver sickle,
sing you do not have meat,
you are missing eyes,
your hair that the wind shook,
where the red lips kiss you ...
Today as yesterday, gypsy, my death,
how well you alone,
by these air of Granada, Granada my! "

He was seen walking ...
Labrad, friends,
stone and sleep in the Alhambra, a mound
cry over a fountain where the water, and eternally
the crime was in Granada, in Granada!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Milena Velba And Boobs

A silent - Pablo Neruda

(Courtesy of Icono de canal Violencia90 )

Now count to twelve and we will all still.
For once on the ground
not speak in any language,
let us pause for a second,
not move our arms so much.

It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
would all be together in a sudden.

Local fishermen
cold sea would not harm whales and
salt would look at his hands broken.

Those who prepare green wars, wars
gas, wars with fire, victories without survivors
would be put on clean clothes and they went
with his brothers in the shade, doing nothing .

not confuse what I
with total inactivity
life is just what you do, do not want anything

If we were not unanimous
moving both our lives,
may not do anything once,
perhaps a great silence might interrupt this sadness
this not ever understand
and threatened with death, perhaps
teach us when everything seems dead
and then everything was alive.

Now tell
twelve and you keep quiet, and go.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If You Dont Treat Herpes What Can Happen

Translation: Oh Captain - Walt Whitman


Walt Whitman wrote this poem after the assassination of Abraham Licon. A reflection of the problems of the American Civil War ...

O Captain! !---------------->¡ Oh Captain my Captain! My Captain!
Our fearful trip is done ;-------------> our trip is over;
the rack Every ship has weather'd ,----> the ship had to survive each storm,
the prize we sought is won ;-----------> won the prize we seek;
the port is near, the bells I hear ,---> the port is near, the bells I hear the
people all exulting ,--------------> everyone is jubilant, while
follow eyes the steady keel ,----> while follow eyes the steady keel,
the vessel grim and daring :-----------> the vessel grim and daring: But
or heart! heart! !------------> heart but oh heart! heart! heart!
or the bleeding drops of red ,----------> oh, the tears are stained red,
WHERE on the deck my Captain lies ,----> my captain is on
fallen cold and dead .-----------------> fallen cold and dead. ---

O Captain! !---------------->¡ Oh Captain my captain! My Captain!
rise up and hear the bells ;-----------> rise up and hear the bells;
rise up, for you the flag is flung -----> get up, fly the
flag for you for you the bugle
;-------------> trills sound the trumpets for you;
ribbon'd for you bouquets and wreaths, -> for you bouquets wreaths and ribbons,
for you the shores a-crowding ;--------> for you pile on the banks;
They call for you, the mass Swaying to ,---> you they call, the influential mass
Their eager faces turning ;-------------> turn their faces eager;
here Captain! dear father !------------->¡ here Captain! dear father!
this arm beneath your head ;------------> This arm beneath your head;
it is on the deck That dream is a dream ,-----> on the cover,
cold and you've fallen cold and dead .-----------> you're dead. ---

not does
My answer ,------------> Captain My Captain does not answer,
lips are pale and still ;------- ----> their lips are pale and motionless;
not does my father feel my arm ,--------> my father did not feel my arm, I've
rules will not press ;------- -------> has no pulse nor will;
the ship is safe and sound ,---> the ship is anchored safe and sound, it's
voyage closed and done; -----------> the trip is over and done;
from fearful trip, the victor ship ,----> a fearful trip the victor ship, eat
in with object won ;--------------> enters its goal accomplished;
exult, or shores, and ring, O bells !----> exult, coasts and sounds oh, oh bells!
But I, with mournful tread ,------------> but I, with mournful tread
walk the deck my Captain lies ,---------> way deck where my Captain,
fallen cold and dead
.------------------> fallen and died of cold.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Film Streaming Mario Salieri

What whores are the muses ...

(Courtesy of Icono de canal ace2heart )

Carvalho and Philippe Marlowe,
cousins \u200b\u200b
Malinche made in such films (made in) here, which pinches gachupines
as Mexicans,
As Republican without pedigree,
what the illustrious host of transhumant
what archpriests without faith or shadow and light, which
grandchildren Sor Juana Ines de Cervantes,
which map upside down, what faces, what a cross.

What nights impasse,
waste, Tenampa lost homeland
my car flying towards
prohibited due to the Semana Negra
that gladdens the heart of Gijón.

What priest Jose Alfredo pa 'wounds,
non plus ultra who said he was wrong, what flight
farewell to train
Crhistian of Benidorm.

What Scottish rocks as insurgent
mouth with teeth much depreciated,
lost my passport, Officer,
and north is not north, near the sea.

What nights
waste, Tenampa beloved homeland, my car
flies towards
prohibited due to the Semana Negra
that gladdens the heart of Gijón.

The begin the begin (start over) when
Lauren Bacall style, they say no,
what whores are the muses of the corners,
always end up with someone better than me .

What socket in the soul, alive Chavela, elemental
dear (dear) Watson, translate you,
crime in Maracaibo,
new novel by Paco Ignacio Taibo, comes out this month.

What nights impasse,
waste, Tenampa beloved country,
my car flies towards
prohibited due to the Semana Negra
that gladdens the heart of Gijón.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How Long Is Cooked Sausage Good To Sit Out?

Songbook: Song of Freedom - Labordeta

There will be a day when all
looking up, see a land
put freedom.

Brother, here my hand,
be yours my forehead, and your gesture
always fall without lifting
hurricane fear to freedom.

way on the same path,
joining our shoulders so
up those who fell screaming

There will be a day when all
looking up, see a land
put freedom.

will hear the bells from the steeples,
and deserted fields
back large ears
a high
ready for the bread.

For centuries bread that was never distributed
among those who did their best to push
history towards freedom.

There will be a day when all
looking up, see a land
put freedom.

is also possible that such a beautiful morning
neither you nor I nor the other
's come to see,
but will be pushed
so it can be.

Make it like a wind,
boot the bushes, emerging
truth and clean the roads
centuries of destruction
against freedom.

There will be a day when all
looking up, see a land
put freedom ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What Does A Yellow License Plate Mean In Ontario


From tomorrow we will be a week in Madrid, featuring our collection. We are very excited. Hope to see many of you!
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reset The Number Lock For Vip Bags

new skirt for the cold days that we will ever

are wool skirts, lined with pencil shape and flower-shaped pockets. With a big front to get their hands on the sides or with two small flowers on the sides to put their hands up.
Available in various colors.
The first image was combined with top French point Sleeve, elastic loop on the hip and extra long neck.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Do They Do Bunionette Surgery


De Chiffon, satin, colors, sober, elegant, comfortable ... With puffed sleeves with elastic at the hip ... and very versatile for jeans or a pencil skirt, for example. We present two new shirts. Hope you like.