Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If You Dont Treat Herpes What Can Happen

Translation: Oh Captain - Walt Whitman


Walt Whitman wrote this poem after the assassination of Abraham Licon. A reflection of the problems of the American Civil War ...

O Captain! !---------------->¡ Oh Captain my Captain! My Captain!
Our fearful trip is done ;-------------> our trip is over;
the rack Every ship has weather'd ,----> the ship had to survive each storm,
the prize we sought is won ;-----------> won the prize we seek;
the port is near, the bells I hear ,---> the port is near, the bells I hear the
people all exulting ,--------------> everyone is jubilant, while
follow eyes the steady keel ,----> while follow eyes the steady keel,
the vessel grim and daring :-----------> the vessel grim and daring: But
or heart! heart! !------------> heart but oh heart! heart! heart!
or the bleeding drops of red ,----------> oh, the tears are stained red,
WHERE on the deck my Captain lies ,----> my captain is on
fallen cold and dead .-----------------> fallen cold and dead. ---

O Captain! !---------------->¡ Oh Captain my captain! My Captain!
rise up and hear the bells ;-----------> rise up and hear the bells;
rise up, for you the flag is flung -----> get up, fly the
flag for you for you the bugle
;-------------> trills sound the trumpets for you;
ribbon'd for you bouquets and wreaths, -> for you bouquets wreaths and ribbons,
for you the shores a-crowding ;--------> for you pile on the banks;
They call for you, the mass Swaying to ,---> you they call, the influential mass
Their eager faces turning ;-------------> turn their faces eager;
here Captain! dear father !------------->¡ here Captain! dear father!
this arm beneath your head ;------------> This arm beneath your head;
it is on the deck That dream is a dream ,-----> on the cover,
cold and you've fallen cold and dead .-----------> you're dead. ---

not does
My answer ,------------> Captain My Captain does not answer,
lips are pale and still ;------- ----> their lips are pale and motionless;
not does my father feel my arm ,--------> my father did not feel my arm, I've
rules will not press ;------- -------> has no pulse nor will;
the ship is safe and sound ,---> the ship is anchored safe and sound, it's
voyage closed and done; -----------> the trip is over and done;
from fearful trip, the victor ship ,----> a fearful trip the victor ship, eat
in with object won ;--------------> enters its goal accomplished;
exult, or shores, and ring, O bells !----> exult, coasts and sounds oh, oh bells!
But I, with mournful tread ,------------> but I, with mournful tread
walk the deck my Captain lies ,---------> way deck where my Captain,
fallen cold and dead
.------------------> fallen and died of cold.


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